Center for Worker Education
25 Broadway, 7th Floor (Auditorium)
New York, NY 10004
(212) 925-6625

USA | Nicole Antebi | 4.00 min
Tuesday, June 23, 2:30 pm
Auditorium Center for Worker Education
25 Broadway, 7th Floor. New York, NY 10004
Prior to the "Doctrine of Appropriation," what would later become known as the "Colorado Compact" was the accepted belief in "Riparianism" or the idea that nature should be left free to do what it does. This short non-fiction animation is a stab, a nod, a gesture toward reviving the term in the context of ecstatic real estate development persistently cropping up around Brooklyn's historically toxic waterways specifically the Gowanus Canal and Newtown Creek.
Nicole Antebi works in non-fiction animation, motion graphics, installation while simultaneously connecting and creating opportunities for other artists through larger curatorial and editorial projects such as Water, CA and The Winter Shack. She is currently the Animator-in-Residence at Circuit Bridges, New York and her work has been shown in many places .

Conversaciones entre una iguana y un camaleón / Conversations between an Iguana and a Chameleon
Colombia | María Ximena Cortázar Triana | 5:31 min
Tuesday, June 23, 2:30 pm
Auditorium Center for Worker Education
25 Broadway, 7th Floor. New York, NY 10004
An Iguana and a Chameleon are in a date at a coffee place. Both characters send bizarre messages to each other, and that's how the peculiar understanding between them is evident. Everything on their conversation is build by the forms of the unconsciousness, which evidences an absurd situation.
María Ximena Cortázar Triana is a visual artist, with an audiovisual emphasis in the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana of Bogotá. She has worked in some short films; and"Conversations between an iguana and a chameleon" is her graduation Project, and it’s the first animation.

USA | Raymond McCarthy Bergeron | 06:55 min
Thursday, June 25, 2:30 pm
Auditorium Center for Worker Education
25 Broadway, 7th Floor. New York, NY 10004
"re÷belief", is a 3D Printed, hand crafted, zoetropic short-film that asks if recalling memories can break a cycle. A Graduate Student produced Thesis, completed for the MFA in Film and Animation Program at Rochester Institute of Technology's School of Film and Animation.
Raymond McCarthy Bergeron spends his days at VIVA Creative designing and animating graphics for Live Events including ultra widescreens, digital stages and show openers. Previously he worked on NASA’s spherical film titled Waterfalls. He recently completed his MFA in Film and Animation at RIT. Ray’s award winning short films have had the privilege of being selected for screenings worldwide.

Instructions to Hearing Persons Desiring a Deaf Man
USA | Brooke Griffin | 03:58 min
Thursday, June 25, 4:30pm
King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center
53 Washington Square S, New York, NY 10012
Bwtn. Thompson and Sullivan Street
This short experimental animation is based on a poem of the same name by Deaf poet Raymond Luczak. Both the film and the original poem tell the poet’s own story of frustration and resilience: the struggle of a deaf gay man to find love in the Hearing community. Without any spoken dialogue, the film's only use of language is in American Sign Language, left untranslated.
Brooke Griffin graduated from Harvard University this past May with a degree in Visual & Environmental Studies and Computer Science. She was the recipient of the Council Prize in Visual Art and an Artist Development Fellowship. Funded by a Sheldon Traveling Fellowship from Harvard, Griffin will be working on a project in Japan until the summer of 2015.

Historias Contaminadas / Toxic Tales
Bolivia | Denis Chapon | 09:00 min
Tuesday, June 23, 2:30 pm
Auditorium Center for Worker Education
25 Broadway, 7th Floor. New York, NY 10004
In 5 short chapters, this collection ironically depicts how the human destructive behaviors seems to be the biggest threats to human kind. Or is it his stupidity ?
Denis Chapon was born in France in 1983, He is an Animation Director and teacher. Graduated from Emile Cohl’s School in Lyon (France) and La Poudrière in Valence (France), he went to Denmark to develop different projects such as TV series, experimental film in the Animation Workshop in Viborg (Denmark). He regulary teaches there and in developing countries in Africa and South America.